Choosing, using and reading theory

Virtual Online Workshop Virtual Online Workshop

Using theory and developing the ability to theorize are central to most scientific endeavours. Theory is fundamental to what we do as scientists. Join this 60-minute workshop to learn how to select an appropriate theory for your study, how to read and master theory, and how to develop skills in theorizing for your study. Learning...


Doing qualitative research using Hermeneutics

Virtual Online Workshop Virtual Online Workshop

Join this 60-minute workshop to learn about doing qualitative research using Hermeneutics. You will learn about the principles of interpretivist research and Hermeneutics, the difficulties of Hermeneutics, how to conduct qualitative interviews, interpret qualitative data, and theorize with qualitative results. Learning outcomes: • Understand the basic principles of doing qualitative research • Understand the basic...


Articulating research contributions and crafting a final chapter of a thesis

Virtual Online Workshop Virtual Online Workshop

The final chapter of your thesis is where everything comes together for your reader. In this chapter, you need to summarize the thesis, revisit the research questions, articulate the contributions and limitations, and present the value of your research to your readers and the community you are writing for. Join this 60-minute workshop to learn...


Preparing a thesis for submission

Virtual Online Workshop Virtual Online Workshop

The final phase of preparing a thesis for submission can be daunting. You need to ensure that the golden research thread is clear in your manuscript, that transition sentences, paragraphs, and sections are in place, that chapter and section headers make sense, that there is proper constructive alignment, that argument roadmaps are in place, that...
